BIG, FAT HEART is where I write what’s on mine. Content varies but is always a deep, relatable, often humorous, sometimes sweary reflection on life in my relentless quest for joy and world domination (in a good way).

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Helping Make the Future of Work

a Bright Future  


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Leadership Development.
Team Performance.
Talent Optimization.

I help companies align people strategy with business goals by developing leaders, accelerating team performance, and optimizing talent for outstanding results and organizational transformation. I am on a mission to stop the bleeding of squandered talent and underperformance due to poor leadership and broken corporate culture. People are powerful and can accomplish anything. Your organization can be the greatest in the world. My team helps you right the ship.

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Caroline G. Nuttall is an author and speaker.

As well as founding, building, and selling a successful multimedia company, Caroline was a Hollywood publicist for some of the world’s biggest and most beloved brands. She went on to serve as a Vice President at ForbesBooks and CEO of the world’s first talent agency for marketing thought leaders.

Today, Caroline develops leaders and helps transform organizations as a senior consultant with the Oliver Group. She recently published her first book, BIG FISH: An entrepreneur’s guide to success, impact and legacy.

“A Force of Nature.”

— Adam Witty, CEO, ForbesBooks


“A Goddamn Rockstar.”

— Greg Shepard, CEO, BOSS Capital Partners

“One Word: Impactful.”

— Casey Franz, COO, Merril Lynch


“Inspiring and Amazing.”

— Sharon Daniels, CEO, Arria NLG