We have 2 choices: Stand out in the Sea of Sameness, or Drown.
No matter the industry, we are swimming in a sea of commoditized competitors rapidly expanding every day as the pandemic, technology and other external forces remove all barriers to a vast virtual world. And yet, nearly all of us continue to market and grow our businesses the same way we always have, wrapping best practices and conversions around us like warm and cozy Snuggies. But I’m here to tell you something you inherently know deep down in your gut: Snuggies are lame.
This book will fundamentally change the way we think about marketing and business growth in today’s oversaturated environment. It will shift our mindset so we can stop following antiquated methods of trying to get customers to buy what we sell, and start attracting raving fans with our individual personas, unique perspectives and original ideas. You have the opportunity right now to leave your competitors frantically splashing in the rearview and become a BIG FISH who attracts revenue, creates impact, and builds a lasting legacy.
“Move over, Simon Sinek! People don’t buy your ‘why.’ They buy your ‘who.’ In less than an hour, Caroline Nuttall lays out this brilliant brand-building strategy for a new generation. Up your fishy factor and build a business that creates cult-like fans. Fans who’ll buy anything you believe in.”
“Combine fantastic stories and examples with a good dose of sass, and you get BIG FISH—your kick-in-the-pants companion to finding how to stand out in a sea of sameness in the way that only you can.”
“So often in sports the most important thing we tell our players is to ‘do what you do.’ We want them to bring their best self to the game each night and this is what Caroline’s book is all about. Caroline will give you ways to bring your best self out so that you can become all you have dreamed of becoming not just in your professional career; but life as well. And what you will find is that you get so much more out of yourself once you discover your true self. I think as you read this book you will find it will take you on a self discovery journey that will lead you to creating greater impact in ‘what you do’ as you discover the power of ‘you doing you.’”
“Thinking about starting a business? ‘Big Fish’ offers a slap of cold water followed by a framework to focus your thinking. It may persuade some people NOT to start a business, and that’s a good thing. Even better, it will encourage those who choose to proceed to build a business that matters. It’s also an engaging read.”
“I just finished your book. Congratulations! Having been an entrepreneur for many years, you had me hooked in the first few chapters. I really agree with your concept and ideas so much, I am going to send a copy to my great grand niece who is beginning a career in real estate. She will need the help. ”